Neighborhood Traffic Management Program

The primary goal of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is to improve the livability and environment on neighborhood streets.  With that goal in mind, the following program objectives were identified:

a)    Provide solutions that improve livability along publicly-owned neighborhood streets through the thoughtful implementation of a traffic management program, by properly controlling vehicular traffic and enhancing the safety and ability to walk and bicycle, while reducing accidents and maintaining emergency vehicle access;
b)    Provide a means for residents to work together to seek solutions to neighborhood traffic concerns;
c)    Provide a wide range of solutions to address neighborhood traffic management issues, including devices and street designs that accomplish the goals related to control of vehicular traffic, without creating adverse impacts to other key areas such as pedestrian and bicycle access, service provider activities, and maintenance;
d)    Provide an equitable and objective process to evaluate neighborhood traffic calming requests;
e)    Provide a process that incorporates the input of affected citizens, potentially affected citizens and service providers into the solution;
g)    Develop a process based on engineering data and factual information;
h)    Develop solutions that are maintainable after implementation and that minimize maintenance costs

For more information, please contact Thomas Fisher by email, at City Hall, or at 503-489-2161


Traffic Calming Intro Letter - Letter describing the process for the speed and volume investigation and additional resources

Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Description of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program that the City uses to determine if a local or collector street is eligible for traffic calming measures.

Traffic Calming Petition - To have a traffic study performed on your street, please download and print the petition, have you neighbors sign it (50% of the residences within the area of concern) and return to Thomas Fisher at City Hall.