2022 Water Master Plan

Click the PDF below to read the full plan.


The purpose of the Water System Master Plan (WSMP) is to perform an analysis of the City of Sandy’s (City’s) water system and:

  • Document the existing water system including improvements completed since the 1991 WSMP and 1999 WSMP Update.
  • Develop and calibrate a new water system hydraulic model
  • Estimate future water requirements including potential water system expansion areas.
  • Identify deficiencies and recommend water facility improvements that may correct system deficiencies and provide for growth.
  • Recommend an updated water system capital improvement program (CIP) for the water system
  • Develop a document which will support future review of system development charges (SDCs) and water rates based on the updated CIP.
  • Document the City’s supply strategy and potential change to the current wholesale water supply agreement with the City of Portland.

In order to identify system deficiencies, existing water infrastructure inventoried in this section will be assessed based on the existing and future water needs summarized in Chapter 2 and water system performance criteria described in Chapter 3. The results of this analysis are presented in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Chapter 6 provides recommendations for system improvements and a 20-year capital improvement program. The planning and analysis efforts presented in the WSMP are intended to provide the City with the information needed to inform long-term water supply and distribution infrastructure decisions.


This plan complies with water system master planning requirements established under Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) for Public Water Systems, Chapter 333, Division 61.