Street Maintenance

Street Paving

The City has implemented a pavement management system to prioritize resurfacing projects and repairs. The system considers the condition and traffic volume of a particular street section and determines the most cost-effective treatment and timing. Much as you would want to repaint your home before the wood is exposed to the elements and damaged, the goal of the pavement management system is to keep existing streets from deteriorating past the point of economical repair.

Resurfacing of existing streets is funded by a two-cent per gallon tax on all motor fuel (gas and diesel) sold in the City. We receive approximately $100,000 per year from this source. The current street resurfacing and maintenance program can be seen at the link below.

We also receive approximately $200,000 per year from State Motor Fuel Tax receipts. These funds cover street sweeping, ($50,000 per year) street lighting, ($60,000 per year) and miscellaneous street maintenance items like striping, traffic signs, snow and ice control, pothole patching, and so on.

Nearly all streets are constructed by developers and turned over to the City for maintenance. As a result, the City takes on significant future liabilities for maintenance. Many streets constructed during the late '70's and early '80's during the last growth surge are reaching the point where less expensive resurfacing projects will no longer repair the deterioration and more expensive 'dig and replace' solutions will be needed.