Pool Exploratory Task Force

The Sandy Pool Exploratory Task Force study was a renewed planning effort in 2021 focused on assessing the City’s current and future aquatic program needs and envisioning the most cost effective and functional facility to meet those needs. Options were explored to address the physical and program deficiencies of the outdated Olin Y. Bignall Aquatic Center by either repairing and reopening the facility, or by pursuing one of the following options: 1) renovating the existing natatorium, 2) renovating the natatorium and constructing an addition, or 3) constructing a new aquatic facility. The primary focus of this effort was to evaluate aquatics program spaces, though additional indoor fitness / recreation and community spaces may be considered by the City in more detail in the future.


  • The PETF determined that repairing and reopening the aquatic center as currently configured is not feasible.  Substantial funds would be required to address critical needs related to pool infrastructure and building systems before the public could be served.  The current facility also does not provide a dedicated recreation pool.  Certain aspects of the building's architecture make comprehensive renovation of the structure difficult and expensive.
  • The PETF instead recommends constructing a new aquatic center elsewhere on the Campus property.  The report includes details on desired facility features, as well as rough estimates of capital and operations costs.
    • The consultant team determined that an advantageous strategy would be to construct an aquatic center addition to the middle school annex building (bunker building), which itself could be leveraged into a new community center space in the future.

Click below to read the PETF's final report in full.