Sandy Style

Shell Station in Sandy Standards

On April 2nd of 2008, the City of Sandy adopted design standards effective for all commercial, industrial, and non-residential (school and church) buildings. Known as the "Sandy Style," the design guidelines are the result of extensive public involvement.

Sandy Style is an architectural style developed by the City of Sandy, modeled after the Cascadian Architectural style by adapting elements of the English Arts and Crafts and Oregon Rustic styles. The intent of the new standards is not to require all buildings to look the same, but rather to require buildings to contain certain design elements in common to create a more unified overall appearance. Some elements of the style include:

  • Steeply pitched roofs and gables.
  • Strong base materials using stone, block, or brick.
  • Exposed heavy timbers or natural wood beams, posts, and trim.
  • Warm earth-tone paint colors and/or brick.
  • Articulated building facades with prominent covered entries.
  • Windows to allow viewing into the building.
  • Public gathering spaces.
  • Pedestrian focused site layout, parking and vehicle access.

Compliance with the Sandy Style design guidelines is required for the following activities:

  • New construction.
  • Replacement of a building that is destroyed beyond 80% of its pre-damaged value.
  • Additions to an existing building.
  • Exterior alterations other than general maintenance on an existing building.
  • Site improvements including changes to landscaping, parking, civic spaces, etc.
  • General maintenance activities, including but not limited to the replacement of:
    • awnings, entryway covers, doors, windows, siding and roofing materials with like materials. (repainting with the same colors are exempt from these standards)