SCORE Portland class offering -- Profit Optimization

SCORE Portland

Date/time:  03/03/22  |  9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Where:  Online live webinar
Cost:  $10.00
Click here to register

Maximize your business’ profit in 2022: Ensure you have the cash you need to fuel your growth!  We show you how to optimize the cash conversion cycle and take advantage of the power of one (1%) to improve your cash position. Running a business is just like playing Monopoly: when you run out of cash, it makes it nearly impossible to continue to operate your company. Game over! 

Let’s talk about the importance of cash and ways to improve your cash position because cash is like oxygen is to your body, without it you cease to exist. 

Learn how to optimize the cash conversion cycle. There are 4 elements to the cash conversion cycle: Sales, Make/Production & Inventory, Delivery, and Billing & Payment. What we want to do is start thinking about ways to accelerate cash in all of these areas. Everyone has ways to improve cash by working through a cash conversion cycle by eliminating mistakes, reducing cycle times and improving your business model.

Take advantage of the power of one (1%) is a principle that can have a significant impact on your cash flow. Learn how your cash flow could improve if price, volume, and/or accounts payable increased by 1%, and cost of goods sold, inventory, accounts receivable, and/or overhead decreased by 1%.