2013-15 City Council Goals

Based on discussions at the City Council's January 26 retreat.

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Improve the city's infrastructure to meet current standards and provide for managed future growth
Build the city's tax base by supporting and expanding the business community
Manage growth pressure through careful planning
Build on the city's superb quality of life
Ensure our city is a safe place for our residents and visitors
Other goals/projects


Improve the city's infrastructure to meet current standards and provide for managed future growth

This Year

  • Complete the connection to the Bull Run water system and associated water system improvements. Status: Project is complete.  Water reservoir and pipes are already in use.
  • Substantially complete a fiber-to-the-premises system (for all existing homes and businesses) by the end of 2013. Status: Aside from additional home installations, the project to complete the fiber optic infrastructure is complete.
  • Explore short-term solutions to traffic problems at the library crosswalk, pending availability of funds for the long term solution identified in the Transportation Systems Plan.  Work with ODOT to improve signal timing on Hwy 26. Status: ODOT has been in contact with the city to use existing fiber-optic infrastructure to improve signal timing.

Next Two Years

  • Identify a strategy to fund and build a landscaped median in Hwy 26 east of 362nd. Status: City Council has had a workshop on possible funding sources for these types of projects (e.g. local gas tax increase).
  • Pursue a transfer of jurisdiction of Hwy 211 within the city limits to the City of Sandy as a step toward creating a safe pedestrian connection. Status: A letter has already been sent to ODOT on this subject.  Staff will continue to follow up.

Long Range

  • Explore creation of local improvement districts or other mechanisms to complete missing sidewalks. Status: Additional sidewalks constructed on the northeast side of the city using Community Development Block Grant funds.
  • Plan for the eventual expansion of city hall; secure additional land for parking. Status: Staff will continue to examine land options moving forward.
  • Develop a strategy for funding and building the road infrastructure for the NW commercial zone and improving the Hwy 26/362nd intersection. Status: Council held a workshop examining available capital road funds.  Potential funding sources were identified during this workshop.

Build the city's tax base by supporting and expanding the business community

This Year

  • Transition the Main Street program to a non-profit organization supported by stable funding. Status: The Council agreed to fund the Main Street Coordinator position through this biennium, with the goal that viable funding sources would be identified by the end of the biennium.
  • Identify a contingency plan for continuing the Main Street program as funding is being secured. Status: One of the Council goals was to create a special service contract program.  It is anticipated that this program will provide opportunities to continue some of the Main Street activities and events.
  • Complete installation of signs per the downtown "wayfinding" plan. Status: Completed
  • Continue the Urban Renewal "facade" program. Status: Council has approved the latest round of facade improvements and work will continue into the next biennium.

Next Two Years

  • Encourage location or development of a brewpub. Status: Ongoing.
  • Encourage development of other dining opportunities to complement the offerings of existing businesses. Status: Ongoing, Economic Development Manager has made several contacts with restaurants in neighboring communities to relocate or expand into Sandy.
  • Encourage development of a destination hotel/restaurant/conference center. Status: Ongoing.
  • Continue to seek medical facilities that provide 24-hour service. Status: The local Adventist Clinic currently offers expanded hours for Urgent Care service.  Dialysis Clinic has opened near the Athletic Club.

Long Range

  • Incorporate Pleasant Street into Main Street activities and urban renewal improvements. Status: Proposed urban renewal amendment may include a substantial project along Pleasant Street.
  • Encourage development of apartments and condominiums on the top floors of downtown commercial buildings. Status: Ongoing.

Manage growth pressure through careful planning

This Year

  • Expand the urban growth boundary to increase the potential supply of larger residential lots. Status: Building Lands Inventory is complete and the Urbanization Study has been adopted by the City Council.  The next step will be establishing a methodology for including properties into the urban growth boundary.
  • Identify ways to provide more "move up" home opportunities for Sandy residents. Status: Could be part of the UGB expansion process.
  • Fine-tune zoning; e.g., consolidation of I-3 and I-2 zones. Status: Ongoing.
  • Reduce turnaround times for development applications without compromising quality of development. Status: Implementation of new software will assist with this goal.  Conversion to the new software is scheduled for late 2015.
  • Reform the conditional use permit process. Status: Complete.

Build on the city's superb quality of life

This Year

  • Identify additional funding for dog parks. Status: Fundraisers have been held for dog parks and one dog park has successfully been built in the Sandy Bluff park.
  • Update the park master plan. Status: In progress, roughly halfway complete.

Next Two Years

  • Continue to seek funding for the bike/ped connection to the Springwater Trail. Status: Ongoing.
  • Plan for a loop trail system within the city and develop a strategy for creating it. Status: Parks Board has a preliminary plan.  They have shared this with the City Council in a workshop session.
  • Seek options for an RV park and camping for short-term stays. Status: Ongoing.
  • In cooperation with other agencies, develop a mountain bike trail in Sandy. Status: The possibility of purchasing the Cedar Ridge Middle School has come before the Council.  The land behind the Cedar Ridge Middle School, which would be part of the purchase, has the potential to be developed into a mountain bike flow trail.

Long Range

  • Build or acquire a new multi-generational community center. Status: The possibility of purchasing the Cedar Ridge Middle School would also enable the City to develop a multi-generational community center.
  • Work with other agencies on the long-term viability of a public pool in Sandy. Status: One of the projects proposed with the urban renewal amendment would be to construct a pool/recreation center.

Ensure our city is a safe place for our residents and visitors

This Year

  • Develop strategies to make pedestrians feel they can safely cross Proctor and Pioneer Boulevards. Status: Discussion of new urban renewal projects could include pedestrian-initiated flashing lights along crosswalks.
  • Take proactive steps to discourage drug-related crime. Status: Two officers have attended training this past year to find out the latest information on drug interdiction techniques and investigation of drug cases.  We participate in information sharing with other agencies and have a zero-tolerance policy.  Officers often use special investigative techniques, including plainclothes surveillance.

Next Two Years

  • In partnership with the Sandy Fire Department, consider the development of "smart homes" with low-cost fire sprinklers in new subdivisions. Status: Ongoing.

Other goals/projects

This Year

  • Continue to build relationships between the City Council and other local governments and community organizations. Status: Participating in the Clackamas Cities Dinners and regional committees (e.g. C4) allows the City Council to make network connections.  City has also partnered with Estacada to provide police services in their community.
  • Continue to explore ways to encourage the city's growing Spanish-speaking population to participate in city government and community activities. Status: Several departments have looked into translation software.
  • Identify strategies for eliminating the "digital divide" in Sandy. Status: The Public Library is increasingly used as a place to access resources from the internet.  The Council allocated funding to connect lower-income housing to SandyNet fiber in the 2015-17 biennium.
  • Review fare policies for Sandy Transit. Status: Sandy Transit instituted fares in October of 2013.