Facade / Tenant Improvement / Covered Structure Grant Application

To apply for a Facade Grant/Tenant Improvement Grant, please fill out the entire application:

  1. Once you have completed the application, check the "I am not a robot" box and click on "Submit".  
    • Make sure you fill out every field in the application.  All fields are required.
    • You will receive a confirmation message declaring that the City of Sandy has received your application.
    • City staff will contact you shortly thereafter to schedule an initial grant meeting with you at City Hall.
  2. If you have additional project narrative that will not fit on this form, please bring it with you to your initial grant meeting.  We highly recommended bringing drawings of your project concept with you to your initial grant meeting as well. 
  3. If you are not the owner of the building your business currently occupies, you will need a written letter of consent from the property owner before proceeding.
  4. The City of Sandy requires multiple bids for grant projects:
    • Two contractor bids are required for projects costing $5,000 or less. 
    • Three contractor bids are required for projects costing more than $5,000.

Note: Design review may be required for larger projects at the discretion of the Development Services Director, according to Section 17.90 of the Sandy Municipal Code. 

Are you the *
Please include building owners full name, address, phone number and email address (if available). Important: If the applicant is not the building owner, the City of Sandy will require a letter from the building owner providing consent and permission for the proposed facade renovation.
Which City of Sandy grant program are you applying for? *
The Facade Improvement Program is for the improvement of commercial building exterior and is available to any business. The Tenant Improvement Program is for the modification of commercial building interiors and is available to restaurants and childcare businesses only.
Design options *
Do you wish to provide your own design work, or would you prefer to use the City's design work at no cost to you?
What is the size (in feet) of the covered structure you are proposing? (example answers: 25 feet by 20 feet; 18' x 28')
This field has no character or word limit. Please give us as much detail on your design plan as possible.
Certification *