Planning and Planting a Fall/Winter Vegetable Garden

If you missed this program, you can now watch the recording! Click on the video above or visit the Sandy and Hoodland Libraries YouTube channel.
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to view the supplemental materials provided by Master Gardener Dennis Brown.

Planning and Planting a Fall/Winter Vegetable Garden. Does midsummer seem too early to think about fall and winter gardening? It’s not! Now’s the best time to plan your fall and winter garden so that you’ll have fresh produce year round. This talk will focus on how to create a planting schedule to ensure you can harvest produce during the late fall and winter months. Techniques to ensure that your fall and winter harvests are successful will be presented. We will discuss how to select the best site for your garden, how to prepare the soil, when to plant and whether to seed directly or use transplants, how to manage pests in the garden, and how to extend the growing season. Crop and variety recommendations will be presented along with their planting schedule, days to maturity, cultural requirements, and common pest problems.

Dennis Brown has had a lifelong interest in gardening and has been a Master Gardener since 2010. He currently gardens at his home and at a community garden in Northeast Portland. As an OSU Master Gardener, he provides research-based information on sustainable gardening practices to the public in metropolitan Portland via the Master Gardener phone line, farmers’ markets' plant clinics and other venues. He also produces the occasional short video for posting on the OSU Master Gardener Instagram feed (@mastergardenersosu). He is on the Advisory Council for, a project of the Oregon State University Extension Service, which is developing an accessible tool for Oregonians to obtain information about safely managing pests in their gardens and homes. Dennis has degrees in Horticulture (BS, MS) and Plant Biology (PhD).



Paper pots with dirt in a carboard container

Just added!

After the program, stay for a hands-on activity making paper pots, filling them with soil, and planting seeds to take home and grow as starts for transplant later in the summer.

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