Shaylee Meadows AKA: Bailey Meadows - Subdivision - Annexation

Project ID: 
20-001 ANN/CPA/ZC
Project Type: 
Land Use
Land Use Project Type: 
Project Status: 

Type IV - Bailey Meadows UGB Annexation, Comp. Plan, Zone Amendment to accommodate public transportation facility

The applicant, Allied Homes and Development, proposes to annex 6.42 acres to meet a need for certain public facilities (a minor arterial road and parkland). The applicant proposed a comprehensive plan designation of Low Density Residential and Parks and Open Space, and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential (SFR) for the roads and associated facilities totaling 4.04 acres and Parks and Open Space (POS) for the 2.38 acre park. Please see the map on page 4 of this notice. The applicant is not seeking to add land for additional residential, commercial or industrial development. Approving the proposed annexation would only allow a road and public parkland. The land is currently designated Urban Reserve, but the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners is considering a UGB Expansion on May 6, 2020.

Per the provisions of ORS 222.111 to 222.180 as modified by Senate Bill 1573, the Sandy City Council may approve an annexation without sending it to the voters if it is determined to be compliant with applicable City criteria.

Related Meetings:
05/27/2020 - 7:00pm
06/15/2020 - 7:00pm
Adopted Ordinance / Final Order: