Library Mask Policy

Illustratation of person wearing a face mask

For purposes of this policy, “Library” is defined as indoors of both the library and the community room/computer areas.

The Sandy and Hoodland Libraries follow the Oregon Health Authority requirement for masks and face coverings in all indoor public spaces as well as in those outdoor public spaces when physical distancing is not possible. In support of the health and safety of all those who enter the Library, all patrons and staff (except children under the age of five) must wear a face mask covering their nose and mouth while in the Library. The Library encourages the use of masks by children between  the ages of 2 and 5 in the Library.

If a member of the public does not have a mask or face covering when seeking entry, the Library will provide a disposable face mask at no cost.

People with a disability or medical condition may request accommodation from the Library if they cannot wear a mask. Accommodation will be to provide services outside the Library, i.e. curbside delivery of holds, printing, and seeds. Reference work and reader’s advisory can be provided by phone or outside the building with physical distancing.

Refusing to follow the mask requirement constitutes a violation of the Library’s Code of Conduct, and patrons will be asked to leave the building.

Approved by the Library Advisory Board 4 November 2020