NW Natural - New Regulator Station

Project ID: 
20-015 CUP/VAR/DR
Project Type: 
Land Use
Land Use Project Type: 
Project Status: 

Sandy Feeder Reinforcement Project (TYPE III)

NW Natural Gas proposes to construct a natural gas regulator station on an approximately 9,370 square foot lot on University Avenue, approximately 250 feet north of Highway 26. Natural Gas is conveyed regionally through pressurized distribution lines. The purpose of the regulator station and associated equipment is to reduce the pressure of natural gas traveling through distribution lines to supply natural gas to the customers of the utility.

The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for this facility, the requirements for which can be found in Sandy Development Code chapter 17.68. The applicant is anticipating very little additional traffic as a result of the development: approximately one additional trip per month. The applicant is also requesting variances to the development code as this project is not a building and therefore building requirements for the respective zoning district are not applicable. Finally, the applicant is proposing adequate landscaping and screening to screen the facility from the road.

Adopted Ordinance / Final Order: