Bull Run Terrace - Subdivision

Project ID: 
19-050 CPA/ZC/SUB
Project Type: 
Land Use
Land Use Project Type: 
New Residential
Project Status: 
Sandy, OR 97055

Type IV - 7 Lot Subdivision with Comp Plan Map Amendment & Zone Change



The applicant, Roll Tide Properties Corp., requests a Type IV Zone Map Amendment, Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, Specific Area Plan Overlay, and development of a 7 lot subdivision for two parcels totaling approximately 15.91 acres. Four lots are proposed as R-1 zoning and will each contain a single family dwelling. Two lots are proposed to have the R- 3 zoning designation and one lot is proposed to have the C-3 zoning designation. The exact number of multifamily units will be determined with a subsequent design review application for these lots, but according to the submitted traffic impact study the two lots proposed to be zoned R-3 has the potential to have 158 apartment units. The applicant proposes to dedicate 1.426 acres for the eventual construction of Deer Pointe Park. This proposal also includes extension of Dubarko Road to intersect with Highway 26 at the existing intersection of Vista Loop Drive with Highway 26.

The current zone classification of the subject properties is Low-Density Residential (R-1), Medium-Density Residential (R-2), and Village Commercial (C-3) and are proposed to be amended to Low-Density Residential (R-1), High-Density Residential (R-3), and Village Commercial (C-3). While the majority of the trees on the property will be removed for development, the applicant is proposing retaining 59 trees.

Please see the included site plan and tree removal plan for additional information.

You are invited to take part in the City's review of this project by sending in your written comments and attending a public hearing before the City of Sandy Planning Commission on August 24, 2020, with the date of the City Council hearing still to be determined. This page will be updated with further information on meeting logistics as the date approaches. 

Status Updates

12/7/20 - City Council voted 4:2 to deny the application

Related Meetings:
08/24/2020 - 7:00pm
10/26/2020 - 7:00pm
11/30/2020 - 6:00pm
12/07/2020 - 6:00pm
Adopted Ordinance / Final Order: